Dog Licenses
To license a dog please have an up to date rabies certificate. You may renew a dog license by mail if you enclose the proper fee, and a copy of the rabies certificate. A new dog license must be done in person. The fee for licensing a spayed or neutered dog is $6.00 and $15.00 for an unsprayed or unneutered dog.
Senior Citizens over the age of 65 get a discount on a dog license. Fee for spayed or neutered dog is $3.00 and for an unneutered or unsprayed dog it is $12.00.
Marriage Licenses
To obtain a marriage license both parties must come to the Clerk’s Office in person and bring their birth certificates, driver’s license and any pertinent documents from previous marriages such as divorce papers or a death certificate for a former spouse. After obtaining the marriage license there is a required waiting period of 24 hours before the ceremony can be performed. A marriage license is valid for a period of 60 days after it is issued. The cost of a marriage license is $40.00.
Community Senior Center
The Community Senior center is available for rental. The cost is $150.00 for Town of Perth residents and $300.00 for non-residents. An extra charge of $50.00 is applied if you are going to use the stove. A deposit in the same amount of the rental fee is required. The deposit will be returned to you when you bring the key to the Center back provided there was no damage done to the premises.
No decorations are allowed on the walls or ceiling. No confetti is allowed on the tables, inside balloons etc. No tape shall be applied to the floor. For further information please call the Town Clerk’s Office.